Friday, February 23, 2007

Things a changin' 'round 'ere

Check out the new print pod with short videos of printmakers, techniques and exhibits.

Blogger is now new and improved. I like the new additions to the new blogger. I finally get to add labels which was my biggest complaint of all. Plus now they have new fun"widgets" to add and I love that blogger and Google have merged (even though I oppose merging). I like googles feature, reader labs, which allows me to receive updates from all my favorite blogs onto one area so that I don't have to keep looking for updates on blogs all the time. I also like that I can post blog articles that I liked to the side bar. I even went so far to update more links on the side bar. I'm done with adding all the US print shops, I've added a couple of Canadian shops but there are a lot more. Soon I will do more, but I'm really tired. I learned a lot about the Canadian territories which I knew so little about before.

Hey I just felt an earthquake. I've been feeling them a lot lately.

I had a lot of fun looking at all the websites for print shops. Some are really badly designed, but a lot of them are really cool to look at. I'm surprised by how many Print shops are in California, Texas, and New Mexico. Wisconsin looks very sad, actually the Midwest looks sad-I wonder why there aren't anymore, but there are so many states that don't even have one print shop. New York has a lot of print shops, but that doesn't surprise me non. There are a ton of print shops in England. A lot of them don't have websites so I didn't add them. Perhaps I'll add them in the future when the Internet becomes more a part of British life and when it becomes more economical.

-Happy Printing y'all


Anonymous said...

Congratulations on your new updated blog! I'm impressed how you have maintained a focus on printmaking subjects (unlike my blog which is all over the place!). You might be interested in Vancouver's two co-op printshops: Malaspina Printmakers and Dundarave Print Workshop I noticed you listed New Leaf Editions, which is more of a "hire a printer" shop, but excellent of course. Thanks for doing this! Happy printing to you!

M said...

Thank you, thank you. I actually really enjoy your blog because you have so many interesting subjects, but they all link together to form you. Thanks for the extra print shops.